This blog is for people like me who wear 100 different hats. From being a Mom, to a marketing professional, to a chef, to a taxi driver, to a volunteer, to a housekeeper....the list goes on. At Donna's Discretion highlights some of those adventures and has a wide range of topics, depending on what hat I'm wearing at the moment. Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tickle Buggy!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Oh Happy Day!
Let's start with the weather, it was a beautiful, sunny day. After breakfast we headed to Roanoke. A shirt and sweater was all that was needed. I put a light jacket on Nic in the morning, but by the afternoon, it wasn't needed. We started off at the Science Museum. Nic had been there once before, but it was an "open house" kind of day and admission was free. This meant the place was CROWDED and we didn't get to spend as much time as we would have liked or done all of the things we wanted to do. Not the case on Saturday. For the first 30 minutes, we were the only ones there. We had the place to ourselves! After that, we only saw about 3 or 4 other families. This was wonderful because we got to spend as much time as we wanted at each exhibit without feeling like we had to rush to give other people a turn. We took lots of time and interacted with each exhibit.
After an hour and a half, we started getting hungry, so we went downtown to grab a bite for lunch. Nic can sometimes be a picky eater and I worry if he doesn't eat enough, especially on days when I know we are going to be busy. He ate like a HORSE! He finished his entire lunch and then started munching on mine. Oh happy day! After lunch, we went back to the museum to play some more. I then noticed that they have a planetarium. I remember as a child how much I LOVED the planetarium and being that Nic says he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up, I thought he would really enjoy it. He was fascinated. I wish I had a nickel for every time he said, "Oh, WOW Mommy!" The planetarium was a huge hit. The one in Roanoke isn't a complete dome like the ones I've been to before, it is more like a 3/4 dome, but it's still a lot of fun and I would highly recommend it.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I was just thinking...
I was just thinking….About how ironic it is that the economy is getting worse, income is becoming less, however my gas bill is the highest it has ever been and gas prices are quietly starting to inch their way back up. Yet, the oil companies had their best year ever last year.
I was just thinking….How bad things really do happen to good people and we will never really know why.
I was just thinking…..About how much I have to do.
Then…I stopped thinking and was quite.
And I prayed and I listened.
Then I was just thinking....about all of my blessings…
Isn’t it funny how it makes YOU feel better as a parent when your kids eat healthy? For lunch today Nic had a freshly made salad with grilled chicken. He eats this better than he eats chicken nuggets and it makes me feel so good! Then for dinner I made his favorite penne pasta (the good kind with alpha omega’s, protein and whole wheat…NOT the white kind), with organic veggies and more grilled chicken, he gobbled it up! These were the two highlights of my day, with me…it’s about the little things. Nic is always my number one blessing and what helps keep me positive.
How very blessed I am to have the best friends a girl could ask for.
How very blessed I am to still have a roof over my head and food in my cupboards when there are so many without either.
How blessed I feel in my life right now. Even with the difficulties I have encountered, I am still hopeful, looking forward to and excited about the future. I am thankful that God has blessed me with these things and with this heart. It is more sensitive and more easily broken, but it also makes it easier for me to be open to love, hope and joy.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Most Powerful Sentence I Have Ever Read
I was sitting in the living room and had a music channel on the TV as background noise. Nicholas (my 3 year old) comes up to me and says, "Mommy I want to write you a note." Okay, I go and get him some paper and markers and put it on the little table in his playroom. He sits down and starts to write. I'm not paying much attention, I had turned to pick up some toys and tidy up a bit. He then announces, "Here you go Mommy!" I look down at the paper and just started to sob. The only thing he has ever written in the past was his name, "NIC". He has practiced his letters and can read 3 and 4 letter words, but has never written any. Today, he wrote his first sentence and it touched me deeper than any words I've ever read. In the background, I hear Carrie Underwood singing, "Jesus Take the Wheel" as I read the words, "I LOVE MOM." No sentence has ever pulled my heart right out of my chest like this one did. Other than the word of God...in my lifetime, these are the most powerful words that I will ever read. They meant so much to me on so many different levels.
I truly feel God was sending me a message. He was letting me know that He is in control and that He loves me. He was letting me know that I have so many blessing in my life and the biggest is my son. For the first time in days I felt hope and joy. Joy for my beautiful son that is learning and growing and is such a blessing. I am honored to be his mother. I am honored that God chose me and trusted me with this precious life. I know I will always be there to catch my son if he falls, to lift him up if he needs it....I never knew that he would be the one to lift me up. Thank you God for sending me this blessing, for showing me You love me, for Your grace and mercy. Most of all, thanks for not giving up on me, when I felt like giving up myself. As a way of sharing my blessing and serving You, I hope this story will help someone else who is feeling hopeless. Hang in there and trust Him.

Yes, he wrote this all by himself. No help from Mom.
The Newspaper
I have received tons of positive feedback on my article, thanks so much! I'm glad people enjoyed it and I hope it helps! (click on the article to see/read it full size).