Thursday, September 15, 2011


It's finally starting to feel like fall! Is it just me or has it been an especially hot and dry summer this year?

When I was young, I remember dreading fall. I never wanted summer to end. Now, that I'm ol.....wait, now that I'm more "experienced," I have found that at the change of each season I find joy.

This spring my heart just sang with the birds when flowers started blooming and life returned to the sleeping earth. When summer rolled around I couldn't wait to go to the beach, jump in the pool and wear shorts and flip flops everyday. Now that fall is here, I find that I have been longing for the cool, crisp air, beautiful foliage and delicious comfort foods from my crock pot. As winter approaches, I will anxiously await that first snowfall.

It's funny how perfectly this is all timed. As much as I look forward to each new season, I am also always ready for the season I'm in to be over with. I'm done with summer now and happy to have fall. Around February, I will be so done with winter that I won't imagine ever being happy about it again and excitedly awaiting for those first spring flowers.

I realized that the timing of the seasons is perfect because it is His time. Not only is it His time, but He knew exactly where I should end up in life to enjoy the seasons He created. Some people are the opposite of me, they enjoy the comfort and stability of just about the exact same weather all year long. God knows we are all unique and He puts us wherever best suit our needs. His hand is divinely in control of all aspects of our lives, even the seasons and where we end up living so that we can enjoy them.

I can't imagine living anywhere else. I love getting to experience all of the seasons God has to offer and am thankful to Him for putting me exactly where I am.

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