I haven't updated my blog in over a month and I don't really have the time to update it now, but I thought it was important. Over the past week two wonderful women in my life have passed. I learned of the second on the way to the funeral of the first. This started me thinking about how precious time is.
Think about what takes most of your time. It's probably your job. Your job could be anything from being a stay at home mom to the CEO of a major corporation. I believe that every job is important and that everyone must work to provide either the support or money needed for themselves and/or their family to survive, but outside of your "job" are you using your time wisely? Are you always sitting on the couch or playing games with your kids? Are you constantly surfing the web or having an engaging conversation with your spouse? Are you sleeping until noon or volunteering to help those in need? Most importantly, are you sitting around Sunday morning (or Saturday night, as some churches have Saturday night services) or are you dedicating that time to worship God?
Every blessing in your life, including the time you have, comes from God. Make sure you take the time to thank Him, worship Him and do what you can to help bring His word to others. Volunteer for your church missions, help teach children at Sunday School, tithe and help provide whatever else your church needs. Do it with a happy heart, do it with your family and remember to make the most of your precious time.