Friday, February 25, 2011

Short, Sweet and to the Point


My "Thankful Thursday" post, one day late. You will find out why in my next post, to be written later today (if there's time).

I love my beautiful boys, my handsome husband and the wonderful life we have created. It is a busy and sometimes crazy life, but it is full of love and happiness and I am truly thankful to God for our many blessings.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Work at Home Mom Myth

Some people think that because I work from home I have all sorts of time on my hands.

I wish.

Yes, working from home is convenient, but no, it's not easy.

Ever try to have a conference call with a 1 year old tugging at your pant leg? How about trying to be creative and design a great ad while the dog is scratching at your leg to be taken out? Try talking to a client, designing a stationary package, feeding a baby and making a pb&j for the 5 year old all at once.

I haven't even touched on what I have to do while I clean the bathroom.

It's not for sissies.

Most of the time, I end up doing even more work after the kids are in bed, which means I have a lot of late nights.

And that's just work, people.

I also help teach Sunday school and organize our Sunday school ministry. I am currently designing our church directory, volunteer my time for a local community festival, as well as committees for the Chamber of Commerce. Oh, and let's not forget the workshops I teach for non-profit organizations or the class I'm teaching next week at the community college for high school students.

Please understand, I am NOT saying any of these things because I want a pat on the back or any type of recognition whatsoever, because I don't give of myself for that reason. I am just clearing up a common misconception about stay at home Mom's and in the process hoping to inspire others to give back more.

Did I mention I have a house, a husband, two kids and a dog?

Yeah, I'm busy...

But No, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I love my life and the people in it. I am truly blessed. It is what I am thankful for this Thursday. Even with all of the craziness, my heart is the happiest it has ever been.

I'd love to write more, but seriously....who has the time???

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday, Inspired by my Best Friend

This week's Thankful Thursday post was inspired by my best friend, Angelica. Today, on her Facebook she posted, "God is never in a hurry, yet He's never late."

I can't believe I've never heard that before.

But, it's so true isn't it?

Not only is it a plain truth, but there are layers there. This quote also points to God's perfection. Think about your everyday life. How many of us are always in a hurry? How many of us run late time and again? I know I do! I started thinking about the fact that I only have two children, a husband and a dog, yet I'm frequently in a hurry. Many times, I am late. God has billions of children and a universe to run, yet He is never rushed or hurried. He is always right on time. That in and of itself speaks of His undeniable perfection. It also speaks of how important you are to Him. He will always be right on time with exactly what you need.

Today, I am thankful for my best friend, who always helps me to grow in my faith. I am also thankful for God's perfect timing and patience with me.